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We created quizzes, a portal and virtual try-on for Disney's Wonder of Friendship

  • Client
  • Year
    2022 & 2023
  • Campaign
    Wonder of Friendship
  • Format
    Quiz, Virtual Try-On & Portal

For almost a 100 years now, Disney stories have shown the importance of friendship. Their campaign the Wonder of Friendship is a celebration of this friendship and came to live through multiple channels, products and a travelling immersive event: Wonder of Friendship: The Experience.

We created several interactive AR lenses for the Wonder of Friendship project. The lenses serve a true testament to the power of combining creativity, technology and storytelling, delivering a transformative experience.

Wonder of Friendship Quiz

How well do you know your friends and vice versa? This is your chance to find out!

When it comes to friendship, you don’t take such a quiz alone. In this engaging friendship quiz, a duo decides together who best aligns with the given statement. Each statement has a reference to a famous Disney character.

When both players choose the same answer, they score a point!

→ Try the quiz on Snapchat

Virtual Try-On

The Wonder of Friendship Experience is enhanced with augmented reality throughout each world. Visitors can engage with interactive visuals and games through Snapchat lenses.

In the gift shop, visitors can try on their favourite piece of virtual Disney merch in an AR mirror.

And the enchantment did not end there! The virtual try-on was also launched as a campaign on Snapchat in various markets, enabling users to try on virtual merch in the comfort of their own home and share it online.

Sketch of a hoodie with Disney's Lilo & Stitch design
A hoodie with Disney's Lilo & Stitch design

One of the Disney hoodies – from design to physical item to virtual try-on.

Gyroscopic Portal (2022)

This 360° lens was inspired by the classic Disney movie ‘Bambi’.

Starting off in selfie mode, the user is asked to help Bambi. When the camera is switched, an AR portal appears.

Thumper invites the user to follow him through the portal where Bambi awaits them in a lush flower field.

The user is asked to find all the butterflies that flutter around. Once all of them have been located and tapped, Bambi joins the user in the frame, and a butterfly lands on their head as a reward!

Visual reference for the flower field in the portal.

The butterflies in the lens are animated similarly to the movie.

The animation of Skunk.

Character Quiz (2022)

Find out which Disney friend you are with this quiz!

With each question, the user must choose which friendship quality fits them best by tilting their head left or right.

When the results of the quiz are shown, the lens changes the appearance of the user to that of the corresponding Disney character.

Donald Duck hat

A billboard in a Primark store with QR code to the Disney friendship quiz on Snapchat

This lens was accessible through an activation in Primark stores where Disney World of Friendship products were sold.

Disney World of Friendship logo

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